Yakhni Shorba Bone Broth
A bone broth made using meat or poultry, as the base for pilaf or soups. Yakhni meaning stock, Shorba meaning liquid. Traditionally made when one is sick and trying to heal due to its nutritional benefits from the meat bone and the added ginger and turmeric to help with recovery. Make a big batch for comfort, for a new mom, a friend who just had surgery or like me, to fight off flu season!

Cook the leftovers into rice, couscous or quinoa or add as the base to sauces.
Here’s my take on a classic I loved as a kid, dipping and enjoying it with bread! And I promise it will leave your home smelling like your mamas kitchen!

1 tbsp oil
1/2 to 1 lb chicken or meat with bones
Small onion or shallot (roughly chopped)
3 to 4 garlic cloves (smashed)
1 inch piece ginger
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp corinader seeds
8 black pepper corns
5 to 6 cloves
1 black cardamom
1 cinnamon stick
1 bay leaf
salt (to taste)
1 chicken cube (optional)
1 tsp turmeric powder or 1/2 in piece fresh turmeric
8 to 10 cups of water
Add oil and sauté onion with spices until onion is translucent.
Then add chicken, garlic, ginger, turmeric and chicken cube.
Cook on high heat until all the ingredients are mixed really well.
Then add 8 to 10 cups of water.
Bring to boil then simmer for 1 hr covered until reduced by almost half.
Strain the liquid then add the chicken back to the stock.
Serve garnishing with lemon and cilantro if desired.
Yakhni is ready to drink plain, dip bread in or turn into rice.

I like using chicken wings or chicken legs for the Yakhni.
If you use red meat, you want to cook it until the meat is tender.
You can also just throw all the ingredients in a pot and let it come to a boil then simmer for a quick soup if you do not have time to saute.
Due to the Yakhni Shorba getting strained you can rough chop everything.

I hope you enjoy this nutritional bone broth and give it a try soon. Be sure to tag me when you give it a try!