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Garlic/Ginger/Turmeric Paste

Garlic and Ginger paste is an essential part of South Asian cooking. The base of any South Asian dish begins with Garlic and Ginger. I remember growing up watching my mom buy pounds and pounds of garlic, and ginger then coming home and getting to work. It either meant she was stocking up for the next few months or she was getting ready for a big party. She would get everything ready in stations and we would all be at a different station. My Dadi (grandma, God bless her soul) and I would be peeling the garlic, my aunt and sister peeling the ginger because I wasn't old enough to use a peeler, and my mom collecting it all and grinding it all up in batches then storing them to be used in the endless dishes that all started with this staple.

I remember my Dadi (grandma) juicing lemon and washing our hands thoroughly after with lemon juice to get the smell of garlic off of us and my mom beaming in joy knowing she had restocked her stash of the staple Garlic/Ginger paste.

Here's how I make my Garlic and Ginger with a healthy added addition.


5 Bulbs of Garlic (Peeled)

5 to 6 inch piece of Ginger (Peeled)

2 to 3 inch piece of Fresh Raw Turmeric (Peeled)

1/4 cup Olive Oil

In a blender add your peeled Garlic, peeled and chopped Ginger and fresh raw Turmeric and oil. Give it a blend until well combined and in a Paste form. If you need more liquid to help purée just add a tsp of oil at a time until your mixture is well blended.

Turmeric has many health benefits such as antioxidants and is full of anti inflammatory properties. You can also blend Turmeric on its own and freeze them in Ice cube trays or discs to use in lattes, teas or milk. Great for joint pains and for the winter flu season.

Freeze your paste mixture in ice cube trays or on a parchment lined baking sheet in 1 tsp or 1 tbsp discs. Once frozen solid, remove from trays and store in the freezer for upto 3 months in resealable bags. The oil blended into the paste helps preserve the color and freshness of the garlic, ginger and turmeric and also ensures no splattering while cooking because of no water being added.

Pop one disc or cube out while cooking or marinating and I promise this will be the start of one flavor packed dish and you won't have garlic smelling hands every time you cook!

Give it a try and tag #blendofspice!

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